Stable Video Diffussion Introuduction

What is Stable Video Diffussion?

Stable Video Diffusion, an extension of Stability AI's original Stable Diffusion image generation model, has entered the scene as one of the few open-source or commercially available video generation models. This is the most powerful AI video generator so far.It can easily turn a static image into a dynamic story.

Technical Aspects

Model Variants: SVD and SVD-XT

SVD Models: Capable of generating videos at a frame rate of 14 and a resolution of 576x1024.

SVD-XT Models: An upgraded version of SVD with finetuning, maintaining the resolution but capable of generating videos at a frame rate of 25.

Training and Data

To create Stable Video Diffusion, Stability AI gathered a massive video dataset of about 600 million samples. This dataset played a crucial role in training the main model, making it strong and adaptable.

Supported OS

Windows and IOS.

System Requirement

Python version needs to be 3.10 or higher.

The computer's RAM is 20GB or more.

Open Source

You can find Stable Video Diffusion's code on GitHub, and the model weights required for local running are accessible on Hugging Face.You can also find the code on Github for installing Stable Video Diffusion on Google Colab server.